—Welcome to Mechanical Engineering Department—

About The Department

The Department was started in the Academic Year 2011  B.Tech program is accredited by NBA for three years (2018-19 to 2020-2024) under Tier-1 and got extension for one more year (2021-2024).

                         B. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)

The department has Twenty-Six faculty members with Eight doctorates and Eighteen faculty members are pursuing Ph.D, faculty members obtained their Ph.D. or M.Tech degree from reputed academic institutions like IIT’s,NIT’s,BITs Pilani and University Engineering Colleges. Faculty members of department achieved Best Paper Awards in International Conferences and some of the faculty members are active members on editorial board of various reputed journals.

To expose faculty members to various National and International Experts, Department organized  its first International Conference(ICE3MT-20) in 2020 and in future it will be conducted once in two years. A National Conference was also organized in 2021.

To promote research culture in department, Department Research Committee-consisting of Senior Professors is formed. Department faculty published around four hundred  research publications and 40 % of them are indexed in Scopus/SCI/ESCI data base. Faculty completed Research projects worth of Rs20 lakhs-funded by NEWGEN-IEDC-DST, AICTE etc…

Department has ten laboratories including Engineering Workshop-a central facility. Within the short span of time, the laboratories are established with state of art of equipment with a total outlay of 3 crores. Notable equipment are production oriented CNC machines like CNC Turning Centre & CNC Milling Centre and advanced software like Master CAM,CREO and ANSYS-CFD. To promote Student Centric Learning, Team Projects Lab is introduced in curriculum in third year second semester. Students have developed number of products in this lab.

Department completed consultancy work, worth of 7.5 lakhs rupees in CNC machining area and is contemplating to establish a Center of Excellence in Machining. Department has MoUs with M/S COMSAT systems Pvt.Ltd.,M/S APL..MechIndustries etc..

To promote communication, organizational skills of students, MEKNOVATES-Mechanical Engineering Students Association is highly active in organizing Guest Lectures, Industrial Visits ,Technical Fests, Design Contest, Live Model Contest  etc.

To expose students to cutting edge technologies Special Workshops are conducted every year.

Dr M.Venkata Ramana,
email: [email protected]